Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Come to My Garden" and "Seeing Double"

Sorry I didn't get to post eyebrows yesterday.  We got home from the doctor quite late and I just wanted to go to bed.  So you get a double dose today!!!!  I'm going to call yesterday's eyebrows...."Come to My Garden."  Here was my inspiration:

And here's the result:

The surgeon enjoyed them....I think.  She's a really serious and intimidating lady so it was kind of hard to tell.  Someone else at the hospital thought that I had tattooed them on and was so happy when I told her that I just drew them on.  Anyway, here was the inspiration for today's brows:

Now, as much as I wanted to do all the accessories and the rest of the makeup, I did not have the time nor the supplies to do so, so you'll just have to settle with what I did do:

I'm going to call it "Seeing Double."  Enjoy and watch for tomorrow's brows.  Oh, also, good news, the surgeon said I no longer have to be on that "light chemo" that is doing this to my eyebrows, so they should be growing back soon.  Yay!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

360 Degree Eyebrows or Raccoon?

Today's eyebrows were inspired by Emery, my daughter.  She asked me why eyebrows don't go all the way around our eyes, and I told her that I don't know.  So I drew my eyebrows all the way around my eyes.  It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, because it's just too hard to make it look like there's hair there when there just isn't.....they kinda make me look more like a raccoon than anything.  Here they are anyway!  I also may or may not look super freaking tired in that picture.  I'm not really sure why cause I actually got a good night's sleep last night for once.  Oh well.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Captain Crunch

So I took a long weekend.  I needed a couple of days of no makeup at all.  Last week was a rough week for me and Papa Bear (Jake) with him working seventy-two hours last week.... :S  Anywho, I'm ba-ack!!  Today I did cartoon eyebrows.  One of my inspirations was this...

As much as I wanted to get my eyebrows all the way onto a hat....I didn't even try, but I got them pretty high!  I'm sure the sister missionaries really enjoyed them when they came over to teach me a lesson. :)  Tomorrow's brows.....360!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Yellow Brick Road

Today, I was lazy.  I just did scarecrow eyebrows.  I wanted to do the whole deal with the nose and everything, but I ended up washing them off before I remembered to put the nose was my inspiration....

This is what they turned out looking like....

Haven't decided what tomorrow's brows will be.  It's a surprise for everyone!!!  Yay!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Displaced Facial Hair

Here are today's brows.  I'm going to go with "Displaced Facial Hair."  I went to Walmart today, and a random lady actually asked me about my eyebrows.  I feel bad because I gave her the short story, which is that I'm on chemo and lost my eyebrows so I just draw whatever eyebrows I want on everyday.  I didn't want to sit there and explain that it's not really cancer and that it's just light chemo, and that I'm not going to die etc....But she said that she was really sorry and that she would pray for me.  It made me feel even worse because she doesn't need to pray for me.  We should all be praying for people with real cancer who are going through real chemo. Next time, even if it's awkward and time consuming, I'll make sure I give the long explanation so that I don't get any undeserved pity.  I'm fine.  I'm blessed.  I'm happy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Heart Attack

So this one goes out to all my medical school/medically-minded friends!  Now, even though Jake says he has a problem with one of my "PR intervals"...this still took me like a freaking hour to draw.  What with dull eyebrow pencils that kept breaking as I tried to sharpen them, and the fact that my first attempt was backwards because I drew it on while looking at my reflection in the mirror...somehow I got it done!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy!  This is definitely one of my masterpieces.

Monday, September 19, 2016


And.....we're back!  So this was my best attempt at "Pointillism" eyebrows.  As you can see in many of my photos, my reddish rash on my face has not gone entirely away, so I apologize for that.  Nothing really exciting happened today with my eyebrows.  Just went to our new library....can't wait until I figure out what eyebrows I'm going to do tomorrow!