Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Eyebrows by Chemo - "Big Ol' Eyebrows"

Today's design is "Big Ol' Eyebrows"

Emery did not appreciate this eyebrow design.  She told me multiple times that I had "monster eyebrows" and that she didn't like them one bit.  Here's her reaction when she first saw them (I don't think she knew what to say or do):

Then I realized, "What's the fun of this if I just stay home all day and don't go anywhere?!"  So we went to a couple of our favorite places.

Me at the park...

Me at the library....

And I promise I didn't put my sunglasses down over my eyes even once.  We got a couple of strange looks, but no little kids pointed and laughed, so I don't think my job is done yet!  Tomorrow I have to go to the grocery store and get gas, but I don't know what design I will use yet.  I do have "Frida Kahlo" eyebrows on the list though.  Stay tuned!

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