Thursday, September 15, 2016


So I recall someone requesting "drag queen" eyebrows, and I was totally going to do that, but then I realized I wouldn't be able to do them justice without the rest of the fantastic makeup to accompany them. So that will have to wait for another day.  So instead, today, I decided to do Bert eyebrows, in honor of Bert from Sesame Street of course, but also in honor of my very own nickname, Bert.  It is not a nickname I enjoy though, so use it cautiously. They didn't turn out terribly awesome (you'd be surprised how hard it is to draw a thick, straight line over your brow, or maybe I'm just that unskilled), but I did go to quite a few places today, such as storytime at the library, Meijer, Lowe's, and Papa Murphy's.  I think I might have scared a couple of little girls at Papa Murphy's though.  Not my intent.... :S Brielle also did her own eyebrows today too. Hers turned out more like Groucho Marx because she used mascara to do it.  But by the time I realized I should take a picture of them, they were mostly rubbed off.  So sorry you didn't get to see her awesome makeup skills.  Anyway, here comes Bert.

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