Friday, September 16, 2016

"I have a fish hook in my eyebrow, and I like it."

Today's eyebrows were inspired by one of my most favorite shows, Friends.  They're called, "I have a fish hook in my eyebrow, and I like it." -Joey  Here are the pictures I took my inspiration from....

and last but not least....

Here's what I came up with.  The people at the doctor's office didn't even flinch....but the missionaries enjoyed them. :)

Tomorrow's eyebrows are going to have to be normal because I'm headed to do baptisms at the temple.  I'm thinking that it might distract from the spirit if I show off my sweet eyebrow designs, especially because everyone will just be so dang jealous of them.  Same situation with church on Sundays, SO!  I'll see you on Monday with some more fantastic eyebrow designs!  We'll see what crazy design I come up with next!

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