Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Come to My Garden" and "Seeing Double"

Sorry I didn't get to post eyebrows yesterday.  We got home from the doctor quite late and I just wanted to go to bed.  So you get a double dose today!!!!  I'm going to call yesterday's eyebrows...."Come to My Garden."  Here was my inspiration:

And here's the result:

The surgeon enjoyed them....I think.  She's a really serious and intimidating lady so it was kind of hard to tell.  Someone else at the hospital thought that I had tattooed them on and was so happy when I told her that I just drew them on.  Anyway, here was the inspiration for today's brows:

Now, as much as I wanted to do all the accessories and the rest of the makeup, I did not have the time nor the supplies to do so, so you'll just have to settle with what I did do:

I'm going to call it "Seeing Double."  Enjoy and watch for tomorrow's brows.  Oh, also, good news, the surgeon said I no longer have to be on that "light chemo" that is doing this to my eyebrows, so they should be growing back soon.  Yay!!!

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