Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Displaced Facial Hair

Here are today's brows.  I'm going to go with "Displaced Facial Hair."  I went to Walmart today, and a random lady actually asked me about my eyebrows.  I feel bad because I gave her the short story, which is that I'm on chemo and lost my eyebrows so I just draw whatever eyebrows I want on everyday.  I didn't want to sit there and explain that it's not really cancer and that it's just light chemo, and that I'm not going to die etc....But she said that she was really sorry and that she would pray for me.  It made me feel even worse because she doesn't need to pray for me.  We should all be praying for people with real cancer who are going through real chemo. Next time, even if it's awkward and time consuming, I'll make sure I give the long explanation so that I don't get any undeserved pity.  I'm fine.  I'm blessed.  I'm happy.


  1. And you're enjoying a great sense of humor. Maybe outs light chemo, but I'm sure it's still no picnic

  2. And you're enjoying a great sense of humor. Maybe outs light chemo, but I'm sure it's still no picnic
